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Delivering more sustainably to the catering industry together

Photo: Hive.Mobility

Interview with Ilke Bakir and Marjolein Aerts (Faculty of Economics & Business)

Associate Professor Ilke Bakir and Assistant Professor Marjolein Aerts-Veenstra of the university of Groningen were interviewed by Hive.mobility about their research to make inner cities more liveable. By no longer bringing deliveries 1-to-1 to the customer itself, but by bundling deliveries, customers receive different deliveries less often, fewer trucks drive in the city and there is a reduction in the number of kilometers driven. In a hub outside the zero-emission zone, the deliveries are bundled and brought to the customer by one final carrier. They also worked together with Bidfood, a wholesale food supplier for the food service market with approximately 25,000 customers in the Netherlands. 

Curious about their results? Read the interview on the website of Hive.Mobility.

SMiLES is part of the Sustainable Living Labs research program that is (co-)financed by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), the Ministry of Infrastructure & Water Management, the National Regional Agency for Practice-Oriented Research (SIA) and the Top Sector Logistics.

® 2021 SMiLES

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